Pastelicious! Covergirl Outlast Nail Gloss in Bon Bon

covergirl outlast stay brilliant nail gloss in bon bon
covergirl outlast stay brilliant nail gloss in bon bon swatch 3 coats
3 Coats of Covergirl Outlast Nail Gloss in Bon Bon, No Topcoat

Covergirl recently came out with their new spring 'Pastelicious' Collection that consists of new pastel Jumbo Gloss Balms, Lip Perfection Lipsticks, and new Outlast Stay Brilliant Nail Gloss shades. I received Covergirl Outlast Stay Brilliant Nail Gloss in Bon Bon, a pink pastel shade, and being a pastel fan, I couldn't wait to try it out. 

It took me 3 coats to get an opaque colour as seen above, although you could still see the whites of my nails underneath and I found the polish to be a bit streaky. I loved how quickly it dried though. Once I was done with both hands, my first hand seemed to have already dried so I could quickly proceed with the second coat. The polish didn't end up looking as even as I'd like, but from a distance it isn't really noticeable. I don't know if this is because of the polish, brush, or my application... but I have a good feeling it might just be my technique...heh. The Nail Gloss is shiny enough to be worn without a top coat which is great because I am way too lazy to apply another coat of nail polish! Bon Bon is a great spring colour and it's subtle shade will surely match every outfit you have.

Disclosure: I am a #BeautyUnited blogger. As part of my affiliation with this group I receive products and special access to P&G events. The opinions on my blog are 100% my own.