Catwalk 2 Closet: Designer Warehouse Sale

catwalk 2 closet designer warehouse sale

Yesterday I took some time out of studying to check out a new warehouse sale in Toronto, Catwalk 2 Closet. Catwalk 2 Closet is a new designer warehouse sale that is set to take place bi-annually. It is currently being held at the Direct Energy Centre on the CNE grounds and is open now until Sunday.

Thurs, Oct 23 - Sat, Oct 25: 10am - 9pm
Sun, Oct 26: 10am - 5pm

catwalk 2 closet designer warehouse sale

Wednesday was VIP and Media Preview night. Shoppers who subscribed to their newsletter on their website received a VIP pass to attend the sale early (don't worry, there is still tons of stuff left). I arrived with a friend a little before 7pm and met up with Shawna of Spill the Beauty to take a look around.

I was super excited for Mackage but disappointed when I saw the huge line! This isn't even all of it. We didn't move much in 5 minutes so we decided to go take a look up front, and see if we could see what they had available.

Mackage Booth

A sneak peek of inside the Mackage booth. It seems like many people were finding what they came for, but I noticed that they didn't seem to have the Mackage Adali, which is the style I was looking for. They did appear to have a decent amount of wool coats and down coats like the Peaches and other similar styles. Apparently the line wasn't as crazy when the sale began at 6 pm so it'd be best to get there early to avoid longer wait times. The prices were supposedly about 40-60% off.

If you aren't looking for a Mackage, there were a few other brands of coats as well. I spotted these Arctic Bay coats, which are made in Canada and actually produced in the same factory as Nobis! The fur looked gorgeous and the coats looked warm. The styles are very similar to Canada Goose if you are looking for a CG alternative.

I spotted quite a lot of new and vintage garments and accessories, as well as luxurious fur hats and coats (see the gorgeous first photo of this post).

There were a few bright coloured LazyPants for $44 (I think?) and a small section of Essie and OPI polishes. I only spotted one Soap & Glory product so I'm not sure if they had anything else from the brand. They had a huge section for iSkins for all your iOS users, a lot of jewellery from brands and vendors such as Merx, and handbags by Canadian designer Jeanne Lottie.

Yukon Furs also looked like they had some very luxurious (and extremely expensive!) fur accessories and coats but I didn't get a chance to snap a photo of their booth.

And of course, Petite Feet Designer Shoe Warehouse had to be there! This is the only section that had shoes for sale, with brands such as Fergie, Sam Edelman, Bcbg, Franco Sarto, the list goes on! They had a good range of sizes but obviously not as many racks of shoes that are typically at their warehouse sales. Their prices were a bit high for me, I remember seeing $175 I believe for boots, and $125 for ankle booties, but the retail price of many of the shoes are probably much more. They looked to have shoes for all occasions, if you have the patience to look through it all.

Although the sale wasn't as large as I expected, it was their first one and I'm sure will continue to grow as the popularity of it increases. I would definitely think it's worth checking out for those looking for unique, vintage or fur items. Mackage seems to be the star of the show so far though! Hopefully, they will continue stocking until the last day of the sale.

Parking is not controlled by the sale and is the regular rate of $14 during the day and $11 after 6 pm. There is the TTC but be prepared for a cold walk to the entrance.
For food, there was a cafe area in the back with two food/snack vendors.

If you want to arrive by taxi, Catwalk 2 Closet is offering first-time UBER customers to receive a $30 taxi voucher when using the promo code 'SHOP2C2' on their trip! I've used Uber and love it and totally recommend it if you need to hail a trustworthy taxi.